Monday 17 November 2014

Taylor Swift 1989 Album Review

Siapa yang belum mengenal Taylor Swift? Gadis yang terkenal karena ciri khas country music ini akhirnya merilis album baru. Album ini sengaja dinamakan 1989, yang menandakan tahun kelahiran Swift. Dalam album ini terdapat 16 lagu plus 3 lagu promosi dengan perbincangan singkat dengan Swift.
Di album ini, Swift kayaknya udah sedikit berubah, deh.  Alunan gitar akustik yang selalu terdengar di album Taylor Swift sebelumnya sudah diganti dengan suara hentakan elektronik, ditambah autotune yang bisa membuat kalian bersemangat.

Track List:
1. Welcome to New York
2. Blank Space
3. Style
4. Out of the Woods
5. All You Had to Do was stay
6. Shake It Off
7. I Wish You Would
8. Bad Blood
9. Wildest Dream
10. How You Get the Girl
11. This Love
12. I Know Places
13. Clean
14. Wonderland
Bonus Tracks Deluxe Ver.
15. You Are In Love
16. New Romantics

Pasti ada dua kategori orang yang lagi baca post ini, yaitu orang yang lagi kepo apa sih yang Taylor Swift mau sampaikan di setiap lagu, dan orang yang pengen download tapi ragu-ragu atau bahkan ada baru kenal Taylor Swift setelah baca post ini lol.

Yah, untuk pemula(?) aku mau kasih lagu recommended di album ini. Versi play-fume ya hahaha.

1. Welcome to New York
Pas banget jadi lagu pembuka untuk album ini, lagunya ringan, nggak terlalu banyak instrumen. Liriknya juga happy, seperti judulnya, it shows you how bright New York is. Imagine you living a life in new york, and chill in the cafe and taste the cuisine, going to fashion store and partyin! Gonna be awesome and Swift knows it!

2. Blank Space
Seperti yang aku bilang tadi, lagu ini cuman ada beat yang easy listening. Dari lirik lagu ini, kayaknya Swift udah sering dideketin players di luar sana lol, dan di blank space dia ngebales cowoknya dengan mempermainkan si cowok juga. 'But i got a blank space baby and I'll write your name'.

3. Out of the Woods
Keluar dari hutan? Iya kalo terjemahannya sih gitu, tapi bukan itu artinya yang sebenarnya. Out of the woods itu idiom Bahasa Inggris yang artinya out of danger or difficultly, kalau dijadikan bahasa indonesia udah keluar dari bahaya atau masalah. Setelah sekian lama berantem, akhirnya baikan juga, soooo..... 'are we out of the woods yet?'.

4. I Wish You Would
Lagi lagi swift menyebutkan jam keramat, 2AM setelah dia sebutkan di album Red sebelumnya, lagu enchanted. Di lagu I Wish You Would ini, swift menyebutkan 2AM tiga kali 'it's 2AM in your car, it's 2AM in my room, it's 2AM here we are.' Ada apa dengan 2AM sebenarnya? Apa ini jam jadiannya Swift, apa jam putusnya Swift sama ex-nya? Yang tau komen deh itung-itung tambah referensi, kalian yang update tentang Swift pasti tau. Oiya, kamu masih berharap sama mantan yaaa? Ciyeee lagu ini cocok deh buat kamu! :p

5. Wildest Dreams
Do you ever like someone so perfect in your eyes and hope that he would notice your feelings, never forget what you wear that day, and he would said see you again. Even if it just in your wildest dreams.  Oh, you've been thinking about him all night, Darl...

6. How You Get the Girl
If only all boys would listen to this song!! It's the way you get the girl. Swift adalah mentor terbaik untuk hal beginian haha pengalaman banget sih.

7. Wonderland
"Didn't they tell us don't rush into things? 
Didn't you flash your green eyes at me?
Didn't you calm my fears with the Cheshire cat smile?"

Saturday 1 November 2014

#1 Author's Life Story

Life story? Ok, there have been a lot of story from my past, good and bad. Teheh I think you will find this interesting! I'm in senior year studying sciences, so, this year is my busy times. I do a lot of physical training recently and continue practicing my dancing skills, lol. I'm not the one who is great at dancing but I'm working my best on it because I have a lot of support from my colleagues, they keep me going on and on so yeah THANKS GUYS! :) 
I'm willing to admit that I spend a lot of time playing The Sims 3 in my laptop lol I love to create a new houses and my own families lol I've been a fan of The Sims since pre-teen. I like to play games since kindergarten lol! At first I had a Nintendo 2000 and then Sega and then Playstation 2. I had bunch of collection of extreme games from Winning Eleven or PES, Tony Hawk, GTA (my favorite one is San Andreas), Bully, to Guitar Hero. They're my favorite game all the time, I don't even try to try a new game until then. Playstation 2 for the win! (Or I said this because I don't play a game above PS2 anymore otl)
My 70 percents of my time I invest it for fangirling. If someone came to me and ask why, I would tell them because I like to watch someone grow up and improving from each performance. There are no idols who have same characteristics, and from my fandom I learnt to accept something that we don't want, to grow up fairly with big dreams, and to build a great teamwork with others. 
Photography, cinematography, and graphic editing is my favorite things even no one knows that I have this such talent because I look like a sloppy-gal-who-don't-know-to-operate-a-progadget. Hahahaha I'm a ninja on web tbh. People tend to look something by it's cover :) 
Last but not least, I like to keep busy in life.
 Yeah that's all I'd like to share. You will know about me from my future post soooo..... don't forget to subscribe or follow my blog. Oh and I want to know your's too! Leave it on comment, maybe? :)